Description is a company established in 2023 as a local brand that upholds "anime" theme as its core of business. We are a company that provides you with wearable things that you can use in your daily life. We have a vision to change the perception of "wibu" into a more positive ones, because we believe that a wibu is just a normal person who has a specific hobby. We are committed to continuously innovating in creating products that are interesting and relevant to the interests of the "wibu" community. We also strive to provide the best service to our customers by maintaining product quality and providing a satisfying shopping experience. Together, let's embrace the diversity of interests and hobbies and create a more inclusive culture for everyone. is ready to be your partner in expressing yourself through high-quality products with subtle and trendy "wibu" themes.

BAKAERO.ID siap meramaikan Indonesia AnimeCon 2024 nih! Jangan lupa untuk mengunjungi booth kami ya! Mimin juga udah siapin "secret activity" untuk kalian lohhh, udah pasti kalian bakal dapetin merch khusus dari mimin... Password untuk bisa ngikutin Secret Activitynya adalah "Stay Baka". Oh iya... kami juga bakal banyak banget ada diskon khusus untuk kalian lho! Tapi pastinya limited stock ya... jadi siapa cepat, dia dapat! See you there #Bakazoku!
10 months ago